Coca de mollitas

For the coca:

One and a half cups of olive oil.
One and a half cups of white wine
A pinch of salt.
A teaspoon of baking
Two glasses of flour.

For the “mollitas”:

A third of a cup of olive oil and a teaspoon of white wine.
A glass of flour.

Step 1: Follow the steps to make the coca: The mass of the base should be as thin as possible since it should be crunchy, to support the top crumbs that are more dense, and it is the contrast that gives grace to this cake.

Step 2: With the ingredients for the mollitas a soft dough is made with which they will make the mollitas that will go over the coca giving it that characteristic aspect as they are loose and hollow.

Variants / Tricks / Secrets:

– The popular coca de Mollitas is a recipe surprising for its simplicity and unexpected texture based on very few ingredients.

– It is part of the most popular tradition in Alicante and is made for such typical excursions as the pilgrimage from Alicante to the Santa Faz, the bonfires of San Juan, etc.